Tag: Blogs
The One Reason People Fail Online – Niche Selection
Quote of the Day: "If you always do what you always done, you always get what you always got". - Beulah Underwood
She's the Author of "A Paycheck Away From Poverty": A Guide To Independent Financial Security. She was my mentor and the first person I heard used this quote.
Many people attribute this quote to Anthony Robbins and before him Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, and even Mark Twain. Regardless of the origin, what matters is the point it makes.
Day 2 - Niche Selection
The number one reason I see people fail online is NOT the technology, it's not the lack of motivation, it's that they pick the wrong niche.
Goal: Narrow down a small list of potential niches to enter
Resources: Google Keyword Planner, Forum directories, Article Directories, Niche Forums, Facebook Groups, Google Drive
Today is the day you take the first step towards creating a successful blog. The main goal for today is choosing your niche. There are two primary methods of thought for choosing a niche for your blog.
- Choose a niche for profitability
- Choose a niche that you have an interest in
Ask around about how to find a niche, and some people will tell you to follow your passions. Others will tell you to follow the money.
Here’s an idea: Start with your passions… but then find out if they’re profitable. That way you’re sure to make money, yet you’re also working in a niche which interests you.
Don't make this rookie mistake:
Many beginning bloggers and affiliate marketers make the mistake of choosing a product or two and then building a blog around that product. Then they have to figure out to whom they should sell the product.
Problem is, there may not be a demand for the product. Or there may not be an easily reachable niche market. Or perhaps it’s a “one hit wonder,” where you can get people to purchase this one product – but you can’t figure out what else to sell to them.
So here’s what you do instead: Find a hungry market first. And once you’ve determined that a market exists – and these folks are already buying products and services – then you can figure out what to sell them. (Usually, this means you sell them what they’re already buying).
Read on…
How to come up with niche ideas:
- Brainstorming your interests
- Listing what you are good at
- Browse forum directories
- Browse article directories
- Browse Niche Forums / Facebook Groups
- Use a keyword planner to expand on your list of ideas
So, the first step is to uncover a niche. Let’s start by brainstorming. Answer the following questions. Don’t limit yourself to just one answer per question. Indeed, you should list as many answers as possible for each question.
Brainstorming a Niche
- What are your favorite topics of conversation?
- What was your favorite topic in school?
- What job do you work now?
- What job do you wish you had?
- What kinds of sites do you visit regularly and/or have bookmarked on your computer?
- What kinds of TV shows/channels do you like to watch?
- What types of magazines do you subscribe to?
- What are your hobbies?
- What do you spend your expendable income on?
- If you had $1000 to spend right now to spend on yourself, just for fun – what would you do with it?
- What are your favorite books?
- If you could take three college courses, what would they be?
- What topics do you know a lot about?
- What topics do your friends ask you about?
- What type of events do you like to attend?
- List your other interests:
I use Google Drive, I can write my tips and collect my research notes, it's already built into Gmail for you. They have the equivalent of Word Editor on there. I post everything up there in the cloud.
Step 1: Log in to Gmail. If you don’t have a Google account you can always signup for a free one.
Step 2: Copy and Paste the above niche questionnaire into Google Docs. You will be able to access and use it anytime you want.
Today’s task: Complete the above questionnaire. Once you’re done with it, you should have several possible niches that interest you and that you know a lot about.
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